Why Jesus? poem

I wrote this poem 11 years ago for a contest that K-LOVE radio was having. I created a video to read and post to YouTube. You can see the video at the end of this post.

You ask me “Why Jesus?”

So here is my story

To thank him for what he’s done for me

And give him all the glory

I came before the Lord, broken & ashamed

My sins had made me dirty & left a crimson stain

But God in his infinite love already had a plan

To send his son to die on the cross

And save the souls of man

He welcomed me with open arms

And cleansed me, white as snow

His spirit is now within me

Wherever I may go

I found his promises are true

And his love will never cease

He is our counselor, mighty God

Everlasting Father & Prince of Peace

Tiffany Brown 2010

A Heart-Shaped Cloud

Photo by Andreas Wohlfahrt on Pexels.com

The following post is actually from my old Myspace blog archives. It was originally dated 2/22/09 and it came up in my Facebook memories today from when I first joined and I was transferring posts over into notes, which Facebook has gotten rid of.

Yesterday, on my way to work, this song was playing on KLOVE and I had stopped at a stop light. I had just finished hearing the second verse of the song and when looked up, I happened to see a ‘heart-shaped’ cloud in the sky. I thought it was too cool and wish I had my camera. I had the biggest smile on my face and knew that it was a sign from God that He was with me and that He loved me.

You see, I had been praying for several weeks for God’s guidance in several areas of my life – spiritual (particularly church) & personal – and after seeing this yesterday morning, I knew God was listening to my prayers.

I’m not a perfect person in any since and I’ve made many mistakes in my life. I’m currently single and have been for over 4 years now. I used to think that there may be something wrong with me, or that I’m just too shy to catch anyone’s attention. But, in a way, I’m glad for this ‘season’ of singleness that God has blessed me with. I’ve been able to accomplish things in my personal life that I probably would not have been able to otherwise.

As far as my spiritual life is going, I felt like I was just going through the motions, but I wasn’t feeling connected. I would attend church weekly and be ‘involved’ in church activity, but I didn’t have that connection with God like I knew I should/wanted. Also, lots of personal issues in the church as well, which I prefer not to discuss right now, maybe later, when the Lord lets me know the timing is right.

These past few weeks, God has really been testing my faith and I knew it had been an answer to my prayers…

When we decide to prayerfully ask Him for something, I believe He wants to know if we really want His help or not. There’s been plenty of times when I’ve prayed for stuff in the past and I’ve received it and have not been thankful and faithful to God in my prayer and spiritual life. It often seems that when things are going great, we forget Who it was that helped us in the first place.

My earnest prayer is that He would give me some guidance on what His will is for my life. And, He has been definitely guiding me within this past week or so. I still don’t know the whole answer, but I’m trusting Him and believing that His will is always better than what I want.

It never ceases to amaze me the ways that God uses to get our attention when we are truly seeking His will. He is more than willing to make Himself known to us if we are truly paying attention.

Within this past week, it seemed like every devotion that I’ve received in my emails has dealt, one way or another, with what I’m going through. I recently found some Christian blogs, that further led me to 2 great books by Lysa Terkearst from Proverbs 31 ministries dealing with faith and God’s will, that I’m currently reading. I’ve also heard a particular song played several times a day on KLOVE that deals with this particular subject – Here I Am by the Christian group Downhere.

I wanted to share this with you because I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to and thought that it might help someone else out there who may be struggling or dealing with some issues of faith or knowing that God is with you during your times of need. I’ve also included the video to the song that I mentioned below.